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Latest news W. Hartmann & Co.

Change of legal form

Oststeinbek, April 2024

Dear business partners

I would like to inform you that we have changed the legal form of our company. We have changed from the legal form of a GmbH & Co. KG to a pure GmbH. It bears the name, it is hard to believe, of

W. Hartmann & Co. GmbH

and was registered with some delay under the number HRB 24494 HL at Lübeck District Court. The new VAT identification number is DE366225252.

This does not change anything for you, you are still dealing with the same company. There will be no changes, e.g. in terms of liquidity, the management will remain with Mr Gregor Krausa and Mr Sascha Michalke, and the procuration of Mr Roman Meinhardt, Mr Michael Wachsmann and myself will also be retained. The bank details you are familiar with will also remain the same.

With regard to our branch office R.A.C.K.L. Metall in Wendelstein, the procuration of the local protagonists Goran Djordjevic and Martin Fuchs will also be retained. However, in the course of further integration, we are changing the bank details there and would ask you to transfer invoices issued by Rackl to the account at Deutsche Bank, IBAN DE04 2307 0710 0010, BIC DEUTDEHH222.
This change is a step in the direction of the foundation into which I would like to gradually transfer my group due to a lack of successors. Corporations are simply easier to deal with in such a context than partnerships.

Please continue to place your trust in us.

With this in mind

Roland Spahn

Change of management

Oststeinbek, January 2023

Change of management

Oststeinbek, January 2023

In accordance with the company's Articles of Association, which stipulate that a managing director should not be older than 61 years of age, the previous managing directors Roland Spahn and Michael Wachsmann were recalled (with a delay of one year due to the coronavirus pandemic) with effect from 31 December 2022. The new managing directors are Gregor Krausa and Sascha Michalke, who represent the company jointly.

Incorporation of R.A.C.K.L. Metall GmbH & Co. KG

Oststeinbek, November 2022

With the entry in the commercial register dated 15 August 2022, R.A.C.K.L. Metall GmbH & Co. KG in Wendelstein (near Nuremberg) was merged with W. Hartmann & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG). This does not change the operational business of either company; the future branch office in Wendelstein continues to operate independently as a pre-processing company and sawing centre for hard alloys, primarily for mechanical engineering.

Powder coated sheets

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Customized profiles

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FF2 solid facade panels

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